Zoysia Matrella

Zoysia Shadetuff (Matrella) has a dark green colour, very tight sward, is low and slow growing, and requires minimal water and fertilizer requirements. As well as being shade and salt tolerant, Shadetuff is a tough grass and makes a very attractive feature lawn.
Scientific name - Zoysia matrella
The first thing that people notice about Shadetuff Zoysia is the wow factor - its unique vibrant green colour - which adds that distinctive touch of class to prestige home lawns, high impact public areas, parks and golf facilities. Shadetuff is a high quality turf grass well adapted to Australian conditions from warm temperate southern areas through to the northern tropics.
Shadetuff is slower-growing and requires less mowing and general maintenance than the couch and buffalo grass varieties. It performs well from full sun through to heavy dappled tree shade (80% reduction in sunlight), though growing more slowly as shade increases.
As it needs little or no fertiliser, Shadetuff is well suited to planting in environmentally sensitive areas to minimise nutrient loss into waterways. It resists short periods of very heavy wear (e.g. festivals and events in public areas) better than other turfgrasses. Shadetuff is also highly salt tolerant, and can be used in the remediation of salt-affected sites.
Shade tolerance:
Drought tolerance:
Mowing height and frequency:
Disease and pest tolerance: